Monday, April 26, 2010

Sessions With Protagonists

Sitting in a chair. Cold, leather-coated chair
Sitting there, in that alienating chair
Empty stage, a narcissistic performance
Spotlights of all kinds, locked in on hands
Covering my face, trying to hold back tears
In a cold embrace

I drowned, right then, right there
Not in water, but in air
I drowned in thinking it was fair
Now I'm sitting in this numbing chair
Talking of my hands

Your eyes, ashamed to see marks, which
Bear witness of my past. Despite the light,
They're dark. Shadows where there should be none
A black hole, right, in the middle of the sun

You tried to help, I know
But your tongue was paralyzed, even though
Trained to run for days on end
You tried to be my friend
Yet you watched and didn't say
A word as I walked away
Away from the chair

Image from

Friday, April 23, 2010

Singing Underwater Never Sounds the Same

Broad daylight sitting in the dark, because
That's the way you like it
Pursuing an impossible task, because
That's the way I want it

Diving into undiscovered oceans, in
The submarine we built with careful hands
Bermuda triangle, Antarctica and more
Let's see what God has got in store
To challenge our ship

We'll master them all and prove
Everyone wrong, prove that
Apostles of gloom and doom are wrong
Why else would I be sitting in the dark
Writing you this song

Image from

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Permission Slip

For now blood has dried, for
Now their tears they've cried, hollow
No more sorrow. As I slowly peel blackened
Essence off my face. My arch enemy
There he lays
Peacefully guarding my legacy

An example to all who raised a voice
Leaving me no choice, but to
End the sound, turning necks around
To see the light at the end of the tunnel

Extracting scenes from days, when
All day long the sun would set
To shine its red light dripping upon my hands
I hope God will understand and let
Me pass the gates of judgment

No regret, no. I'll have none
For what I've done is done
But outcast warriors who
Take the righteous path
Belong in heaven, at last.

Image from, but edited

Angry Nightingale

A beautiful bird will sing a song
To make right all that's wrong
A song to lift smiles of today
To cast all emptiness away
And fill our hearts

They're scarce, these beings with wings
Not every bird that sings is to be liked
Its song may well be spiked, with
Legends of loss and pain. Losing
Everything in vain

I tend to its cage
Until old age
For all of us will sure pass one day
If we want to curse
To free our minds
If such a deed is what we need
We may
I understand

Image from